4 Habbits That Change Your Life

1 min readJan 16, 2023


This is a habit that I’ve adopted and has been quite influential in changing and improving my life.

1. Wake up early
This is quite influential for me personally. According to experts, waking up early can educate the mind and free up time management.

2. Make a daily/weekly plan
Making a plan is very helpful. By making a planner, we become organized and disciplined people.

3. Read a book
Read at least 1 book per day. If you can’t read 1 book, set a target to read 1 book in a month. One of the benefits is that it adds to our insight into new things.

4. Watch Motivational Videos
Watching motivational videos can improve your life. One of them becomes a more optimistic person. When you feel you can’t / can’t afford life. Watch educational and motivational videos.

Those are some of the habits that I apply in my life and slowly turn me into a more productive person. Hope you find them useful. Thank you.

